Balansowanie gry

Temat na forum 'Archiwum reszty' rozpoczęty przez użytkownika Alfa.Star, 22 września 2017.

Drogi Forumowiczu,

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Status tematu:
Brak możliwości dodawania odpowiedzi.
  1. Alfa.Star

    Alfa.Star User

    Jako, że nikt z naszej ekipy nie wstawia tagiego tematu pozwole sobie zaczać. Na ostatnim twichu byla mowa o balansowaniu gry co oznacza zmiane w schladzaniu umiejetnosci statkow i po czesci ich bonusow a takze zmiany w formacjach
    The amount of genuinely viable ships in PvP is limited to a small number. Many PvP encounters within the game, whether it be in a group or solo, end up being repetitive with the same ships being used with the same tactics.

    Whilst we understand players have become very used to particular ships and there might be nerves when this changes we feel a change is for the best.

    A larger variety of viable ships is very important for creating a more interesting PvP environment - which is what these changes are aimed at doing.

    The main targets are the Spectum and Tartarus.
    These two ships on their own caused a lot of frustration for the community, in particular the Tartarus.
    As a result the Tartarus has had changes which push players to change the ship from a running tactic to one which produces periodic heavy DPS throughout a fight.

    The Solace was another ship which caused many issues for players, however the necessity of this ship stems from the popularity of Moth and Ring, further explanation on this can be found in the drone formation post.

    • Abilities changed to be the same across the Aegis, A-Veteran and A-Elite.
      • Using the A-Elite abilities
    • Passive bonus for A-Elite changed from +5% damage to +5% damage and +5% shield.
    Dev notes:
    Abilities were made standard across all versions of the Aegis as the Elite version of the ships was already better in almost every situation, so the deviation was an unnecessary complication.

    • Abilities changed to be the same across the Citadel, C-Veteran and C-Elite.
      • Using the C-Elite abilities
    • Passive bonus for C-Elite changed from +5% damage to +15% shield and +15% HP.
    • Fortification duration reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds.
    • Fortification cooldown increased from 360 seconds to 430 seconds.
    • Fortification no longer sets movespeed to 0 and will increase reduce the users move speed to 200.
    • Incoming damage reduction from Fortification increased from +50% to +80%.
    Dev notes:
    The Citadel was rarely used as a tank ship for PvP purposes. We felt one of the main reasons for this was the lack of movement whilst using Fortification as players could simply move out of the Citadel's range and it would be left doing nothing.

    To remove this weakness the Fortification has received a minor rework. The low movement speed can be combined with the Travel ability to make the most out of the Fortification and prove some much more useful tanking ability in PvP.

    Abilities were made standard across all versions of the Citadel as the Elite version of the ships was already better in almost every situation, so the deviation was an unnecessary complication.

    • Duration of Singularity reduced from 30 seconds to 27 seconds.
    • Cooldown of Singularity increased from 175 seconds to 900 seconds.
    Dev notes:
    Cooldown increased to be in line with other cooldown changes. The duration had a slight reduction to lower the overall DPS output of the ability, whilst keeping the ship as one of the best overall DPS ships in the game.

    • Own shield lost upon Shield Leech ending is reduced from -30% to -10%.
    • Shield Leech damage bonus increased from +50% to +60%.
    • Cooldown of Shield Leech increased from 180 seconds to 840 seconds.
    Dev notes:
    If a Diminisher's opponent used a backup shield tech and the beginning of the Shield Leech ability then more often than not the Diminisher would lose more shield than their opponent, the shield loss has been reduced to mitigate this.

    • Passive bonus changed from +2% EP and +2% damage to +10% EP and +5% damage.

    • Generator slots increased from 14 to 15.
    • Speed increased from 290 to 300.
    • Passive bonus changed from +20% HP to +10% HP.
    • Shield recharge duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
    • Healing beam duration increased from 6 seconds to 7 seconds.
    Dev notes:
    The Hammerclaw suffered from being slower than most other ships in PvP, the increase to 15 generator slots nd plus +10 base speed will allow it to reach the same speeds as a regular Goliath.

    The duration of two abilities have been slightly increased to allow the ship to sustain more damage for itself and targeted friendlies in a single fight.

    • Scramble damage bonus increased from +25% to +30%.
    • Scramble shield depletion rate reduced from -10% per second to -8% per second.
    • Phase Out teleportation distance reduced from 50 units to 35 units.
    Dev notes:
    The Mimesis remains to be a more experimental ship for players and the main focus on what this ship can and can't do revolves around the usage of its Scramble ability.

    The bug of this ability aims to allow various ways of making use of Scramble easier to do, be it having an Aegis partner, backup shield, Diamond or using SAB-50 - just to name a few.

    • Fortress duration increased from 10 seconds to 65 seconds.
    • Fortress cooldown increased from 90 seconds to 840 seconds.

    • Nano Cluster cooldown increase from 90 seconds to 840 seconds.
    • Nano Cluster self heal reduced from +50% to +45%.
    • Nano Cluster group heal reduced from +25% to +15%.
    Dev notes:
    Solace receives some small nerfs to its self heal and some larger nerfs to its group heal.

    This is to prevent larger groups consisting only of Solace from being able to extend a fight duration by a ridiculous amount, whilst still keeping the role of the Solace the same.

    • Abilities changed to be the same across the Spearhead, S-Veter and S-Elite
      • Using the S-Elite abilities.
    • Passive Bonus for the S-Elite changed from +5% damage to +10% damage.
    • Mark Target now applies a damage buff based on the amount of members in the group.
      • Mark Target gains +5% damage against the targeted player per member in the group.
      • In a group of 8 players, Mark Target will do +40% damage to the enemy effected by the ability.
    • JAMX effect duration increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.
    • JAMX chance of revealing cloaked ships increased from 50% to 100%.
    • JAMX cooldown reduced from 207 seconds to 160 seconds.
    Dev notes:
    Despite having a very useful skill set for group fights, the spearhead is rarely used as the trade off in lack of power is too big if it is being used instead of a Goliath.

    The changes of Mark Target allow the spearhead to bring in a large burst of single target DPS to make up for the overall lack that it would typically bring to a group.
    JAMX changes boost the usefulness of this ship in typical group PvP.

    Abilities were made standard across all versions of the Spearhead as the Elite version of the ships was already better in almost every situation, so the deviation was an unnecessary complication.

    • Prismatic Shield duration reduced from 30 seconds to 22 seconds.
    • Prismatic Shield cooldown increased from 180 seconds to 900 seconds.
    • Own damage reduction whilst Prismatic Shield is active is reduced from -50% to -45%.
    Dev notes:
    The Spectrum has been one the top 3 best ships since its release in 2011, six years of being in-meta and having a very powerful ability. At some points it has also been seen as the only ship to use by many players.

    The aim of the Prismatic Shielding changes is not to nerf it so much that the ships is now useless, instead its to make it so the spectrum isn't as good in almost every situation as it is right now.

    One of the key problems this ship caused was the time the ability would be up for and the frequent availability - this has been tackled by reducing both the duration and the cooldown significantly.

    As a trade-off the laser damage reduction of the user has been lowered to allow the player to be slightly more aggressive when using the ability for its shorter duration.

    • Speed Buff reduced from +40% to +30%.
    • Rapid Fire cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 24 seconds.
    Dev notes:
    The aim of the Tartarus was to provide a speed ship with high periodic DPS.

    The big issue was the Tartarus filled one of these roles extremely well, the speed, however the periodic DPS was very lacking and largely went unnoticed.

    The way this ship was used caused a large amount of frustration as a good Tartarus player would never die, but their ship was too weak to actually kill anything, so in most circumstances it was merely a troll ship in PvP.

    The Tartarus now has 577 speed when the Speed Buff is active, however it can now deal a lot more damage with the Rapid Fire than before, meaning it can put up a good fight with its improved DPS.

    • Cooldown of Singularity increased from 120 second to 840 seconds.

    Drone formations are an integral part of PvP - often having a bigger impact in fights than the ships themselves do. A player who makes good use of their formations can often defeat an opponent who has a better ship but poor formation management.

    A large reason the drone formation meta has become stale is due to Ring and the consequences it had.
    The strong shield it provides means its necessary to begin almost all fights in this formation, however it is so large that people quickly change to Moth as a counter and just try to out-DPS their enemy and ignore the shield and go for the HP.

    This pressure to use Moth for most of the fight led to players overusing Solace, a change to Ring will go a long way to solving both the issues with Moth and Solace.

    Ultimately, the fact that Ring provides the best shield in the game, resulted in shields actually being much less important in PvP and at the same time forcing in a meta which caused fights to often be repeated in the same way.

    Similar to the situation with the ships, the formation changes are aimed to bring in more variety in PvP than exists right now.

    • Rocket damage increased from +50% to +65%.

    • Speed reduction reduced from -20% to -15%.

    • Shield bonus increased from +30% to +40%.
    • Shield regeneration increased from +0.5% to +1.5%.
    • Laser damage reduction reduced from -50% to -30%.
    • Speed reduction reduced from -50% to -15%.
    Dev notes:
    A large amount of changes have been made as this formation was rarely used in any areas of the game.
    It will be watched closely to see if further changes can be made to the balance of this formation.

    • Added a +30% rocket damage bonus.

    • Shield bonus increased from +10% to +20%.

    • Own shield depletion rate increased from -1% to -4%.
    Dev notes:
    A nerf to moth which allows it to still be powerful in PvP for damage output, whilst making the user vulnerable at a much quicker rate.

    • Shield bonus reduced from +120% to +85%.
    Dev notes:
    The shield bonus of ring was done to reduce the amount of time that Ring is active during a typical PvP scenario, this will encourage people to swap out to other formations whilst still keeping Ring in the same role.
    In turn this will reduce the pressure for players to use Moth, therefore reducing the pressure on using Solace.

    • A +10% evasion bonus has been added.
    Co myslicie na ten temat?
    ViperΔ lubi to.
  2. kris0211.

    kris0211. User

    Powiem tyle: Będzie ciekawie, meta się zmieni. W końcu :)

    Koniec robienia za tanka golcem na pierścieniu :(
    Ostatnie edytowanie: 23 września 2017
  3. ViperΔ

    ViperΔ User

    Super temat, dzięki.
    Większość zmian super oprócz formacji ćmy i umki sentinela.
    Ćme bym zostawił albo dał 2% zabierania osłon jak już coś a Sentinel mieć krócej ładowanie i ktrótsze działanie niż te nowe co ma być
  4. Ghost_User

    Ghost_User User

    Dobra, Spectrum nie został jakoś super osłabiony :) Nadal będę przeżywać większość ataków :D
  5. Alfa.Star

    Alfa.Star User

    czy ja wiem czy bedziesz przezywac jak mocke bedziesz mial duzo duzo rzadziej

    wg mnie te zmiany sa beznadziejne. mocki statkow juz byly dobrze zbalansowane mozna ich bylo uzyc w kazdej walce a teraz co raz na iles minut to jest lipa toche znowu sie okaze ze lepiej latac surgeonem bez mocki niz jakims solace czy spectrumem i miec mocke co kilkanascie minut

    zmiany w formacjach tez troche lipa pierscien juz raz byl znerfiony z 180% jak dobrze pamietam zjechali do 120% i to w sumie juz bylo ok teraz tak naprawde trzeba sie bedzie zastanowic czy nie lepiej latac na sercu 20% hp 20% oslon niz na pierscieniu.
    cma z ktorej i tak oslona uciekala czy sie biles czy nie teraz bedzie jeszcze bardziej beznadziejna niedlugo to w ogole tylko do robienia wrot sie bedzie nadawac a szkoda poza tym powinni dodac do cmy 20% oslon tak jak do serca
    co do kopuly ktora niektorzy tak sie podniecaja nie jestem pewny czy bedzie taka niezniszczalna
    jedyna fajna zmiana to szewron i krab

    jak BP chce tak bardzo zbilansowac gre bo teraz niby jendi maja przewage nad innymi uzywajac tego czy tamtego to moze wrocmy do czasow gdzie nie bylo dresow i tylko jedna formacja i to bedzie zbalansowanie 100%
  6. Dajcie lepiej jakiś event żeby sobie np. EMP-ów nazbierać, to i zmian nie trzeba będzie takich wprowadzać co pół roku.
    Ghost_User lubi to.
  7. Ghost_User

    Ghost_User User

    Będę przeżywać biorąc pod uwagę co ile ktoś mnie bije...
    kris0211. lubi to.
  8. Mi sie podoba kazdy z tych pomyslow poza zmiana solace :l Wedlug mnie przedluzony czas umki to najlepszy pomysl :)
  9. Alfa.Star

    Alfa.Star User

    po co umka kora mozesz uzyc tylko kilka razy w ciagu godziny?
  10. kris0211.

    kris0211. User

    Żeby wiedzieć kiedy jej używać :) Raczej nie będziesz teraz latać takim Venomem, Diminisherem czy Cyborgiem i rzucać umką na każdego przelatującego flaxa, tylko trzymać ją na mocniejszych przeciwników.
  11. Alfa.Star

    Alfa.Star User

    no i dobra ale to bez sensu jest. znowu lepiej bedize latac surgeonem niz tymi dresami
  12. kris0211.

    kris0211. User

    To fakt. Jak już tak bardzo chcieli zmieniać umiejętności, to mogli nieznacznie wydłużyć cooldown (powiedzmy że o 20-30%) a je same osłabić.
  13. Alfa.Star

    Alfa.Star User

    dokladnie zmiana ktora oni chca zrobic jest idiotyczna. teraz kazdy mogl uzywac mocek wiec nie wiem o co im z tym chodzi. tlumacza ze niby niektorzy po kilka razy w czasie jednej walki uzywali mocek ale kto komu bronil tej drugiej osobie tez kilka razy uzyc mocki? poza tym to troche tez udeza w slabszych graczy ktorzy mogli np venomem sobie pomagac podpalajac dk czy cos
  14. kris0211.

    kris0211. User

    Najlepiej gdyby zrobili dwie wersje mocek: jedna z krótkim cooldownem do PvE i druga z dłuższym do PvP. I wszyscy byliby zadowoleni.
  15. O ile pamiętam to może z rok temu zredukowano cooldown u profi dresów z 15/20 min do 2/3, a teraz chcą powiększać znowu do 14/15? Najbardziej na tym ucierpi venom, który już całkiem zatraca się w beznadziejności. Kiedy przed miesiącami zredukowano cooldown niemocy z 20min do 2, a z racji, że umka omija osłonę i bije bezpośrednio w hp to naprawdę fajnie się go łączyło z ćmą na wrota, szczególnie halloweeenowe czy te podczas eventu z proxium. O jego nieprzydatności w pvp nie będę się rozpisywać bo to wszyscy wiedzą, ale po wejściu tych zmian w życie juz się nie będzie nadawał do niczego. Co do solace'a wydaje mi się, że takie podwójne osłabienie to przesada, że wystarczyłoby albo osłabić regenerowane hp albo wydłużyć czas regeneracji umki, a nie jedno i drugie, spectruma to też się tyczy. U sentinela zamierzają wydłużyć zarówno długość trwania umki jak i cooldown, choć moim zdaniem lepiej byłoby zostawić go tak jak jest.
  16. Alfa.Star

    Alfa.Star User

    dokladnie jakis czas temu pozmniejszali mocki a teraz bez sensu chca wrocic do tego co bylo. powiedzmy ze polece w takie uba i co bede mogl uzyc mocke raz na ile 6-8 walk a moge trafiac na orzeciwnikow ktorzy akurat uzyja chociaz w jednej walce mocki to jest bez sensu
  17. kris0211.

    kris0211. User

    Ciekawi mnie jedna rzecz (uwaga, nie znam się na mecie PvP w DO): nie zmienili szkoleniowej.
  18. Jak zwieksza czas umek to bedzie trudniej o oil (x-7) i czy w ogole bedzie mozna zrobic te wrotka bez solace? Aegisami to zajmie 2x dluzej a czas jest wazny dla tych co kupuja boosty za pln
  19. Myślę, że szkoleniowa jest świetnie wyważona więc chyba dobrze, że jej nie zmieniają. Nie powinni ćmy tykać, jak ktoś wyżej zauważył przy takim spadaniu osłon to zostanie właściwie tylko na wrota. Pierścień po osłabieniu też nie będzie zbyt opłacalny... Krab raczej na popularności dużo bardziej nie zyska przez dodatkowe 5% speeda, szewron nadal się do pvp nie przyda, 15% dmg więcej nie zrekompensuje sporego ubytku w hp, zostanie tylko jeszcze mocniejsze siekanie z leonka na 1 gali :D. Tak naprawdę wszystkie zmiany w formacjach nie są potrzebne do niczego, może z jednym wyjątkiem: ciekawi mnie kopuła, dość znacznie zamierzają ją poprawić... Może wciąż liczby szału nie robią... Jak postawią testowy się przekonamy co z tego będzie.
  20. jestem na TAK!!!!!
Status tematu:
Brak możliwości dodawania odpowiedzi.